Monday, February 7, 2011

Overlooked New York

Overlooked New York: Impassioned New Yorkers from an Artist's Perspective is a collection of interviews and pictorial depictions of various New York residents-- with interesting hobbies. Featured are street musicians, urban gardeners, roller skate dancers and many other fascinating people. The artist is Zina Saunders, who is known for politically-critical subject matter. Taking her keen sense of observation, she turned out an engrossing work detailing the everyman.

Considering Analogous Week, I thought this series was appropriate to feature. In Overlooked, Saunders creates her images with limited palates of related colors. With only subtle hints of contrasting shades, she keeps it predominantly within the family of her main shades. Not only pleasing to the eyes, the interviews are a great read! Check 'em out!

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